The pictures in our "search and find" book have lost their colour. That's why we are looking for small and big artists to make our World Heritage colourful again.
The “search and find” pictures help children to discover the UNESCO World Heritage properties in Switzerland in a simple way.
What is a UNESCO World Heritage property?
Imagine that there are special places all over the world that are so important and beautiful that we want to protect them forever. These places are for example old castles, big mountains, ancient cities or beautiful natural areas. Some of them are so old that they were built or created many hundreds or thousands of years ago.
All these places are on a List of UNESCO (an organisation of the United Nations). This list shows that these places are important for the whole world, not just for one country. We can therefore be very proud of the UNESCO World Heritage properties in Switzerland and should take good care of them.
The World Heritage “Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona”
The rocks and stones in the Tectonic Arena Sardona are like a giant book that tells us how the earth changed millions of years ago. In this region, you can marvel at a unique natural wonder: huge tectonic plates that were pushed over each other millions of years ago and formed the Alps. The special thing about it is that the formation of the Alps can be recognised by a distinctive line on the mountain. Researchers and scientists come here to study the earth and learn more about how mountains grow.
UNESCO has designated this place as a World Heritage property because it helps us to understand the fascinating history of our planet. It is also an important place for research to learn more about the formation of the earth.
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